Hi, I have pictures of the inside of cell to give me some idea?
Thank you.
Hola, tienes fotos del interior de célula para darme alguna idea?
Hi, I have pictures of the inside of cell to give me some idea?
Thank you.
Hola, tienes fotos del interior de célula para darme alguna idea?
Here are some Pictures of the Inside of cell. https://www.google.de/search?hl=de&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1920&bih=869&q=Innenausbau+LAK2&oq=Innenausbau+LAK2&gs_l=img.12...3840.11951.0.14439.
You find under : ,,Innenausbau LAK2" some more pictures
Thank you very much!
Here you can find pictures of my LAK development.
Hier findest Du Bilder von meinem LAK Ausbau.
Thank you! Two consultations ... noproduce polystyrene noise when slashing each other? glass wool and also polystrene ceiling? What are the holes where moisture condenses?
Thank you! Two consultations ... noproduce polystyrene noise when slashing each other? glass wool and also polystrene ceiling? What are the holes where moisture condenses?
The ceiling is not insulated, as is from the outside, an aluminum plate on it. Stone wool is processed on the walls in the bottom and polystyrene.
Die Decke ist nicht isoliert, da liegt von Aussen eine Aluminiumplatte drauf. Steinwolle ist im Boden und Styropor an den Wänden verarbeitet.
Thank you. Here told me that the roof pitch is not easy to make the bathroom on the side to make it possible to stand as resolved ..?
The height in the wet room (bathroom) is 1.85 m.
Die Höhe in der Nasszelle (Bad) beträgt 1,85 m.
Ok ... but the question I have is how the couple height is achieved if the roof has slope on the sides.
My pictures www.reiseschnecke.de